Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nksf | |
▼Ncomps | |
CksConfigParameter | A structure that defines configuration parameter |
CksConfigProvider | A component that provides a set of parameters to the ksWifiConfigurator and is also responsible for handling its storage |
CksDevicePortal | A component thet implements web-based configuration portal accessible from local network |
CksDevStatMqttReporter | A component that periodocally reports device state to the broker |
CksLed | A component that simplifies driving the LED |
CksMqttConfigProvider | A component that manages MQTT-related configuration |
CksMqttConnector | A component which is responsible for MQTT connection management |
CksResetButton | A component that implements reset button functionality |
CksWifiConfigurator | A component that manages AP-based configuration |
CksWifiConnector | A component that manages WiFi connection |
▼Nevt | |
CksEvent | Base class for multicasting events |
CksEventHandle | Implements event handle, used to automatically unbind callback on destruction |
CksEventInterface | Implements interface for multicasting events |
▼Nmisc | |
CksWSServer | Wrapper around WebSocketsServerCore that adds WebSocket authentication and better message handling |
CksApplication | A class that is a base for user-defined application |
CksAppRotator | Application rotator component |
CksCertFingerprint | Interface for certificate fingerprint verification |
CksComponent | Base component class |
CksConfig | Implements low-level configuration file handling |
CksRtti | Implements RTTI (run-time type information) for objects |
CksSimpleTimer | Simple timer class, without using component architecture |