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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CksConfigParameterA structure that defines configuration parameter
 CksConfigProviderA component that provides a set of parameters to the ksWifiConfigurator and is also responsible for handling its storage
 CksDevicePortalA component thet implements web-based configuration portal accessible from local network
 CksDevStatMqttReporterA component that periodocally reports device state to the broker
 CksLedA component that simplifies driving the LED
 CksMqttConfigProviderA component that manages MQTT-related configuration
 CksMqttConnectorA component which is responsible for MQTT connection management
 CksResetButtonA component that implements reset button functionality
 CksWifiConfiguratorA component that manages AP-based configuration
 CksWifiConnectorA component that manages WiFi connection
 CksEventBase class for multicasting events
 CksEventHandleImplements event handle, used to automatically unbind callback on destruction
 CksEventInterfaceImplements interface for multicasting events
 CksWSServerWrapper around WebSocketsServerCore that adds WebSocket authentication and better message handling
 CksApplicationA class that is a base for user-defined application
 CksAppRotatorApplication rotator component
 CksCertFingerprintInterface for certificate fingerprint verification
 CksComponentBase component class
 CksConfigImplements low-level configuration file handling
 CksRttiImplements RTTI (run-time type information) for objects
 CksSimpleTimerSimple timer class, without using component architecture